

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

11 Months!

Photo taken at "rhyme time" at the library.

Our little pumpkin is 11 months old? Wait, really?

Her other names: Addie Pie, Addie Pants, Addie Patty, Addie Bell, Addie Beth, Adawyn, Addie 4 teeth, Addie 6 teeth, Ad (Zoe's favorite), Adaline (by accident).

Weight: 22 lbs (only know this because we went to the Dr. for ear infections:()

Sleep: 8pm-7am, 2 naps (morning and afternoon) 1.5-2 hours long. We are extremely blessed with her sleep schedule and habits. All we have to do is say "are you ready for night night?" and we take her to to her crib and lay her down and she lays there and maybe talks a little and goes to sleep. On occasion she will cry out (normally when she is not quite ready for sleep or if she is BEYOND tired). In the case that she is BEYOND tired we are forced to just let her cry for about 5 minutes until she falls asleep. If she isn't quite tired enough yet, I really try not to go back in and pick her up because then she will think that she can just get up when she cries. I normally will go in just once and make sure she doesn't have a poopy diaper and give her the paci and leave. This normally does the trick. I attribute the great sleep schedule to not being afraid of letting her settle in to sleep on her own. Up until she was 3 months old I HAD to rock her to sleep or she wouldn't go to sleep. After that I decided it was time for her to do it on her own. While she was learning I would let her cry for a few minutes (like 2) go in and give paci and leave. Probably did it about 5 times and she slowly learned. Once she was about 5-6 months old if she cried we just made sure she was well and let her cry until she fell asleep. We have not had trouble with her not sleeping through the night since about 5-6 months old. I know every baby is different but Addie LOVES her sleep.

Food: 7am nurse/bottle (started whole milk just the other day!!), 8am breakfast oatmeal, fruit, banana, 11am lunch, baby food meal, cut up fruit, bottle, 3pm, bottle, 5:30pm dinner, baby food meal, fruit, anything we are eating:), 8pm bottle. She is really starting to love any table food. We love being able to cut up for her whatever we are eating. I still using the 3rd stage baby food to fill in the blanks.

I posted at her 9 month update that we were worried about eggs. We took her to my Allergist Dr. Aarons and had her tested for common allergens and things that I am allergic to and she didn't show positive to ANYTHING! We are really rejoicing about this. He said that we needed to start eggs & nuts ASAP. (this is beyond scary to me!) We first started her on meals that had egg in them and she did great. Last Saturday we fed Adelyn scrambled eggs for the first time and she couldn't get enough and she had no reaction! We were so excited. You would think we had given her a cake or cookie. We tried to feed her a little at first and then wait to see if she reacted, but the whole time we were feeding her the rest of her breakfast she kept pointing in the kitchen and was loudly saying "Dada"!!!

Learning: walking (almost running), waving bye bye or hello, opening kitchen cabinets and pulling everything out, knocking (with her precious little knuckles) on the door or wall, smelling flowers (sniffle sniffle in and out), dancing bobbing her head, when we say "so big" she holds her hands above her head, perfected her clapping to open hands back and forth, spotting a dog ANYWHERE at any distance and says "woowoo" in a high pitch voice, does better in nursery at church, likes to help with any house projects (or at least see what we are doing), tries to brush her hair or put bows in her hair, just learned how to blow kisses, she also gives good kisses. Words: mama, dada, nana, papa, dayday (zoe or baby), gaga (outside), knokknok (knock, knock), woowoo (dog), beepbeep in high voice (bird), guck (truck), gar (car), wawa (water), mama (sometimes means food too), nak (snack), baba (ball), wack wack (quack), nigh nigh (night night), wock (walk).

Favorite things this month: chasing game, snacks, being outside, blowing kisses, when Dada gets home every night.

My favorite thing... when Daniel is around and we are playing with Addie- he will lean in and give me a kiss and once she is watching he will linger so that our lips are touching... we will wait a few seconds until she can get to us and she will say "mmm" and kiss us right near our mouths!!! It's like a group kiss instead of a group hug! haha

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