

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Juice Boxes and Gold Fish

I am so so blessed to be able to be with Adelyn 5 days out of the week. I am currently working only 2 days out of the week. Mom is still keeping sweet little girl while I work (another huge blessing). When Baby Girl #2 arrives I will be staying home full time. This will take some adjusting for me, because I am so used to being on the go all of the time. Don't get me wrong, I am so happy about staying home with both of them, but I will have to adjust. During these last few days of it just being Adelyn and me I am trying to cherish every moment (crying now). The other day when it was warm we had a picnic at the park. 

She absolutely loves drinking a juice box. We always buy her the fruitables kind so that she is getting vegetables as well (makes it justifiable right?) :) I just love spending that one on one time with her and talking/listening to her. It's amazing the amount of things she understands and can express even at 2 years old. She remembers things sometimes that surprise us! 

I am so proud of her and can't wait to watch her as a big sister. 

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