

Monday, March 22, 2010

Hand Prints and Prunes

Interesting title. :) Well this is the highlight of our day. For a week now (well ever since she was born) I have been wanting to do her hand prints, and we haven't gotten around to it. Soooo I am excited to try today. It may be too difficult to do on my own but I am determined to give it a try. I guess hand prints at 5 months is better than never.

Prunes... well any mom can probably guess. Addie has now had Rice and Oatmeal Cereal. I was going to try Whole Wheat Cereal next and then veggies, so on and so forth... but Addie is having trouble going to the bathroom. So for her next feeding this morning I am going to mix some Prunes in with her cereal to see if it helps her poop. :) I know she will love it because it will be much sweeter than anything she has had. I just hope it doesn't mess her up and that she will still eat her plain cereal.

These pictures are from her first time eating cereal.

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