

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Fun

 I was determined to make an advent this year instead of buying one. I found the idea online and made some adjustments but I think it turned out really well. Adelyn gets super excited to open her box everyday. My goal was to print out Bible verses to put in each box for us to read as well, but it has not happened yet. As of right now they just have candies in them.

Also... we had a gingerbread contest at work (side note: just found out today that I WON!). It was really fun creating my Christmas Tree Farm. Mom gave me the idea. I used her recipe for Cinnamon Bread Cookies. I baked large and small Christmas trees one day each with their own decorations and then put it together the second day. I already had the lights at home for Christmas decorations so I just stole them and used lollipop sticks for the poles. The snow is just icing with white sugar and white decorations on top. I used a edible pen to write on the signs. The patients and employees at our office were able to vote on them. Funny story: they told me that an older gentlemen came in and asked how much it cost to buy the Christmas Tree Farm. hahaha. I guess because he saw the sign that said "Christmas Trees For Sale". :) So cute.

I removed it from the baking pan of course and wrapped the battery pack with wrapping paper. 

Adelyn did help me with some cookies as well... but those did not make it into the contest :)

28 weeks

We had our ultrasound on Wednesday to check on little girl (name to be determined). She was measuring right on track. This was so amazing to hear. They said that she was breach but that it's nothing to worry about until 36 weeks. I also was very happy to pass my glucose test on the same day. We had a busy day a the doctor's office but Adelyn did really well. She loves seeing pictures of baby girl up on the screen. She still kept asking for stickers while we were in the room though (typical). :)

With out further ado. Here is our new little beauty. OH I CAN'T WAIT to meet her.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Christmas Tree Search

We had fun going to pick out our Christmas tree! We got ours at Lowes (where we got it last year because of the good price). Adelyn was interested in the wheel barrel. I took her for a couple of rides around the trees. She LOVED it. Then...she started getting restless because it took us a while to decide on a tree and it was COLD. What do you do when a toddler gets restless???...hand them your camera. She took probably about 30 pictures of everything. I need to post more of her photography. She is actually very good. She took this last one of me.

There was a young couple near us picking out a tree and I hear her say "cheese" and I look back at her and she is holding up the camera at the couple and telling them to say "cheese". I started laughing and asked her not to take a picture of them and while I was saying it, the sweet girl said "cheese". She was totally playing along with Adelyn. haha I kinda wish she had actually pressed the button so that I could show you.

We hope you are enjoying your Christmas season. I know we are. It is so fun telling Adelyn all about Christmas. She understands that Christmas is about Jesus' birth...but she is super excited about the decorations, Santa and presents. Wow it's so interesting now having the responsibility to make sure your child understands the meaning and doesn't worship the wrong things. I pray that she doesn't miss what it is about. It's fun watching her learn about giving to others as well. She gets excited about picking things out for our family but then also wants one for herself....lots to learn!